Loud mouth activist George Clooney, and his wife, have spent the last few years calling for an open border policy for Islamic migrants in both Europe and America.
Clooney, the star of a viral video clip which includes his own script for a change, ‘There’s not gonna be a president Donald Trump, don’t worry it is never going to happen,’ has repeatedly used his public position to abuse advocates of immigration controls policies.
‘Xenophobic fascist’ is one of his favourite insults towards those calling for sensible border policies.
Now, it has been revealed by a family insider that Clooney and his wife are selling their home in England because they don’t feel safe after recent terror attacks.
This low intellect, badly informed and publicity desperate couple have repeatedly used their fame and fortune to call for open borders and have even managed to sit down for the camera with German chancellor Angela Merkel, architect of the disaster in Europe, to show support for her ‘refugee’ policy.
Now, as tensions across the continent have increased, the Clooneys have revealed they actually meant that everybody else should open their doors to migrants whilst they, themselves, scurry back to their secure mansion in Los Angeles and lock the doors.
A family insider was quoted as saying ‘George doesn’t feel Amal and the twins are safe anymore living in the English countryside following the attacks in London and Manchester.’
Which, by the way, are not in the English countryside.
So, whilst reminding the rest of us to be tolerant, the Clooneys are packing their bags and leaving.
This grubby couple had already been heavily criticised in Europe for their double standards after the Mayor of Laglio, where they own a $10million lakeside mansion, warned the little people that they faced a heavy fine if they dared go near the couple’s holiday home.
Now, the reports from Italian real estate agents is that Clooney plans to sell the 18th century mansion after a temporary refugee camp was set up nearby. It has not yet been confirmed if the couple planned to sell the house before or since their new neighbours moved it.
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A ‘source’ in Italy has suggested the pair are looking to buy a ‘more secluded’ and less accessible’ home in a different part of Italy. We don’t know if ‘less accessible’ means armed guards and a moat.
Clooney, the hypocrite, clearly shares the sentiment of many other open border whining celebrities by encouraging the rest of us to welcome dangerous Islamic migrants into our communities whilst having no intention of doing so themselves.
My message to Clooney is – shut the fuck up and stick to reading the lines somebody else wrote for you. George, you are an entertainer and that’s all. Just the paid act. So jump up onstage and entertain us will you.
Juggle, or dance or shake your butt around or something. Don’t get involved in European politics anymore. You are not clever enough to understand it or decent enough to live with the consequences. – Albert Jack
Read – Is it time to drive Islam out of Europe?
Read – The Slow Death of Europe
Join – Europe in Danger
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