What is Chinese New Year and why is it different?

Chinese New Year 2018: The Chinese New Year marks the Year of the Dog in 2018

Chinese New Year 2018: When is it? Why is it different to a normal new year?

CHINESE New Year celebrations are marked separately to the rest of the world. But when is the Chinese New Year and what are the differences?

When is the Chinese New Year 2018 celebrations?

The Chinese New Year – the Year of the Dog – will officially begin on the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month of the Chinese calendar.

This year’s celebration will fall on February 16, lasting for seven days of joyous festivities, even though the festival technically lasts longer and ends on the 15th day of the first lunar month.

Unlike the Gregorian new year observed on January 1 in most parts of the world, the Chinese calendar is based on the movements of the moon.

The Chinese New Year falls usually falls between January 21 and February 20. The Year of the Dog will end on February 4, 2019.

Why is the Chinese New Year different to a Western new year?

Also known as the Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year shares many similarities and differences with Western celebrations.

The Chinese calendar is based on the movements of the moon and is linked to the Chinese zodiac – 12 animals all ascribed to a new year.

Every new year is celebrated under the next consecutive sign and every 12 years is considered a complete cycle. The Year of the Dog is the second to last in the current cycle.

This year the Year of the Dog takes over from the Year of the Rooster.

Babies born in the current Year of the Dog, as well as those born in 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, all share the Dog as their zodiac sign.

Traditional belief stipulates that those born under the Dog are considered to be loyal and honest with a kind and prudent disposition to others, though are sometimes stubborn and struggle with communication.

The 12 Chinese zodiac signs are:


How is the Chinese New Year celebrated?

The Spring Festival is a national holiday in China and is instantly recognisable by banks, schools and business closing down for the celebrations.

Thousands of people will don traditional red clothing from head to toe as a symbol of a new begging and to ward off bad fortune for the new year.

One tradition in particular involves family members exchanging little red purses continuing small gifts of money to ward off evil spirits.

The start of the Lunar New Year is also marked on a nation-wide scale with fireworks, parades and iconic red Chinese lanterns.

Impressive displays of firecrackers and large pyrotechnics will light up several cities across the country. Loud bangs are believed to scare away bad spirits.

In fact, China proudly boasts its heritage as the birthplace of gunpowder and fireworks. Legend has it a group of people discovered the joy of firecrackers after throwing hollow bamboo sticks full of gunpowder into a fireplace over one thousand years ago. – Express


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