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Remainers don’t know what they VOTED FOR

The failing European Union appears to be unable, or unwilling, to reform itself. Instead it has hunkered down, within its bunker, impervious to any criticism or calls for reform.

Worse still, it has punished those who have even suggested such a thing.

As recently as a decade ago the mantra of the pro-Europe lobby within the British Parliament was ‘it is better to be inside the EU and proactively reforming it than it is to be on the outside and powerless to reform it.

This was one of their favourite reasons for remaining within the EU Block. Well, that hasn’t worked very well, has it.

Instead, remaining in the EU has become the high-risk strategy, not leaving it.

Rather than labeling BREXIT supporters ignorant and racist, with the so-often accusation of ‘the poor little idiots didn’t know what they were voting for,’ it is high-time Remainers took and look at themselves and explain what exactly THEY thought they were voting for.

Who does the EU represent? Because it isn’t the citizens of Europe and it certainly isn’t the relentlessly whining British Remain supporters.

What do THEY think they will achieve by the United Kingdom remaining under EU control?

All those BIG businesses, the corporations that the Liberals who largely make up the remain supporters traditionally despise, lobby Brussels on a daily basis to impose regulations that make it impossible for smaller companies to get involved and compete for trade.

Lobby, by the way, is another word for bribe. Cash for regulations.

Just ask the farmers, the fishermen and British tech companies, to name but a few, how this is working for them.

The EU prevents science and innovation in the British Zone. This is known as protectionism.

Take a look at the current Customs Union which imposes tariffs on 13,000 products that increase their cost by 17%.

Most of the things your family spends money on come from those 13,000 products.

Items such as food, clothing, toiletries, fruit, coffee, tea, booze, cigarettes are all nearly 20% more expensive than they could be, or should be.

Ok that’s enough of my shopping list. But think about yours. It’s a lot of money we are sending to the EU by the way of tariff tax.

I want to buy Scottish and Irish Whisky from Scotland and Ireland. Why pay 17% EU tax on this?

This is on top of VAT which the EU imposed during the 1970’s. Britain never had VAT on all purchases before then.

And worse still, the EU plan on increasing these tariffs in the future, not reducing them.

Remainers, did you know you were voting for any this…?


The European Union is guilty of, well let’s call it mis-allocating resources. Although you can call it corruption if you prefer.

I can only be bothered with one example, I haven’t got all day.

From the EU budget 40% goes to the richest farmers in Europe with the biggest farms. This is despite farming only accounting for 1% of the gross domestic product across the EU.

These subsidies encourage over production. (Because EU farmers are paid for it, regardless) Does anybody remember the Wine Lakes and the Butter Mountains?

Well, these expensive surpluses, paid for by your taxes and EU contributions, are now dumped in third world markets, so you don’t hear about them anymore.

Except when the EU congratulate themselves after they send a million tonnes of tinned tomatoes to Ghana, for example.

‘Aren’t we wonderful and benevolent, look what we do for the Third-World,’ the EU proudly claim.

Meanwhile the Ghanaian tomato growing industry is fucked.

Now multiply this one example by as many times as you can imagine.

Remainers, did you know you were voting for this?

The EU Army

The likes of the now discredited Nick Clegg told us that Nigel Farage’s warning of a European Army was ‘just a dangerous fantasy.’

Clegg, then leader of the Liberal Party, was doing what he always does during political discussion. Lying.

This is why the Liberals were decimated at the 2017 General Election. Because most Leave voters realized and remember this. Remainers, on the other had, did not realise this.

Article 42.7 of the Lisbon treaty strengthens the solidarity between EU countries when it comes to dealing with external threats by introducing a mutual defence clause.

This clause provides that if an EU country is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other EU countries have an obligation to aid and assist it by all the means in their power.

Now, the German army is to be increased in numbers and a new tank battalion has been formed. And are considering allowing foreign nationals into its armed forces. Meaning migrants from the middle-east and Africa

And Macron has reintroduced national service in France, as a pathway to citizenship.

‘The EU can f*** off!’

Do YOU want your sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, sent to Latvia to defend EU financial interests? To be commanded by German tank captains and French Generals?

Or perhaps you would prefer them to have a stint on the cold Russian front, after the EU threatens Putin again.

By the way, did you know Germany conducted recent NATO exercises with painted broomsticks instead of guns, because they haven’t got any that work. They need British money to buy them new ones.

Remainers, is that what you voted for?

The EU Project

From the beginning the entire European Union Project has been entirely undemocratic.

Which has been made as clear as possible.

Jean Monnet;

‘Europe’s nations should be guided towards the super-state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation’

Jean-Claude Juncker;

‘There can be no democratic choice against the European Treaties’.

Edward Heath was fully aware of Monnet’s views when he and the rest of the British establishment tricked the British people into joining the ‘Common Market’ in 1973.

In 2011, Brussels removed national elected governments in Italy and Greece and replaced them with ‘technical governments’ run by Eurocrats – Mario Monti, a former EU commissioner, in Italy, and Lucas Papademos, a former vice-president of the European Central Bank, in Greece.

And this can happen in Great Britain too, if we remain under EU control.

Remainers, did you know you voted for this. Shame on you if you did.

The Euro

Germany is currently the most powerful country economically and they want to impose their Liberal economic model upon the less powerful countries.

This has had disastrous consequences in Greece, for example, which has gone into dramatic economic decline, partly due to Germany effectively imposing austerity cuts in return for loans.

The Euro could be imposed on Britain should the democratic ‘BREXIT’ referendum result be overturned, as a punishment on the British people.

Remainers, do you realise YOU are arguing FOR this?

The EU will have a huge financial black hole when Britain leaves


Europe’s share of the world’s population is falling and likely to be less than 4% by the year 2100.

Currently it stands at 7%. But Britain’s population is increasing in size and is set to remain at healthy levels.

Europe is dying and remaining politically and financially attached to it is like being ‘handcuffed to a corpse,’ as somebody else once said.

Remainers, did you know this?



The EU is currently responsible for the tensions between the Ukraine and Russia, which could spill over at any time.

The EUs enforced ‘Association Agreement’ with the Ukraine in 2014 annoyed Russia who (correctly) interpreted this as a threat to its influence on its own borders.

It remains a hostile situation which could easily ignite war in Europe, if the EU don’t stop messing around with certain countries.

Brexiteers didn’t know what they were voting for, or YOU don’t?

Remainers, did you know the EU officials are incompetent bullies who are threatening peace in Europe?

Of course you don’t know any of this. All you know is what the globalist elites, whom you say you despise but whose bidding you do, want you to know.

All the time your information comes straight from Sky News, BBC, the Daily Mirror, the Guardian and all the others you are never going to know any of this.

Didn’t you even smell rats a few months ago when all the news was about how leaving the EU would mean NO LETTUCE available to buy in Great Britain.

Didn’t you all realise somebody was making fun of you?

‘This lot will believe anything Sky News tells them, hey Justin, run that story about salad shortages and watch Social Media catch fire.’

‘If you tell them we can’t grow lettuce on British farms then most of them will believe us. Because they are all idiots who don”t know what they are voting for.’

Yes, you are all idiots who don’t take the time to understand what you are voting for.

After all, anybody who thinks like Tony Blair, John Major or Alistair Campbell must be an idiot.

History has told us, many times, that whatever people like that stand for, the opposite is usually a good thing to consider.

Now, it is perfectly reasonable for Remainers, at this point, to stop me a say something like;

‘Yes this is all true, (highly likely) and I understand what you are saying (highly unlikely) but – for example – I am a musician and my band benefits from freedom of movement and no visa issues when we tour Europe.

Or, ‘My business exports exclusively to EU countries, tariffs will kill me.

Or, and I hear this far too often, ‘I won’t be able to take my dog on a camping holiday in France next year.’

To which I say, to the first two, there are definitely hurdles that will need to be overcome, that could have been sorted out by now.

If only the EU had sat down and talked trade and visa policies over the last three-years instead of refusing to discuss anything until after BREXIT.

But, more people voted to leave than voted to remain. You were outvoted, outnumbered. Welcome to Democracy. And please now respect our vote as we respect yours.

And to the third, which is a depressingly common complaint, I say ‘fuck off and grow up.’

I could go on and on here, I usually do. But you can full in the gaps and inform yourselves instead.

After all, it’s Saturday lunchtime and I am going down the pub. All this talk of lettuce is making me hungry.

-Albert Jack

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