The vile, rotting corpse of notorious British child killer Ian Brady remained untouched in the mortuary six months after his death, as morgue workers refuse to touch it.
Funeral arrangements were not made immediately as nobody knew what to do with the shabby carcass.
Twisted Brady expected a gangland-style funeral so he could go out in a blaze of publicity, and notoriety, not seen since the Kray twins died.
However, it appears nobody was prepared to even toss it into the sea.
Brady died of lung cancer on May 15, 2017 and, in a final insult to the families of his victims, had demanded that his ashes be scattered on the Saddleworth Moors, where he and Myra Hindley had buried their victims.
But Sefton council, under which Brady lived at Ashworth Security Hospital, have said they would not touch him and many other councils said the same thing.

A spokesman for Sefton Council said at the time: ‘Ourselves, as an authority, have not been approached by Brady’s executor to cremate his body. But if we were, the simple answer will be a no.’
Glasgow City Council, Brady’s city of birth, has also said it will refuse any request for the notorious murderer to be cremated in their district.
Brady’s unwanted remains lay in the same morgue as Manchester Arena bomber Salman Abedi as no undertaker is prepared to accept the minced up remains of the scum jihadi who killed 22 people, when he detonated a suicide bomb at an Ariana Grande concert on May 22, 2017.
The location of the building – now dubbed ‘Monster Morgue’ – is being kept secret in order to prevent revenge attacks from outraged members of the public, according to one British newspaper.
A campaign has been launched to have Brady’s remains encased in concrete and then built into the structure at Ashworth, ensuring that will remain his final resting place.
Brad Savidge, who set up the petition, said it would be fitting if Brady’s remains were kept at a place ‘he tried desperately to get out of.’

The pair of them are now still in limbo. Funeral directors don’t want them, crematoriums won’t accept them, their relatives wont have them and workers are refusing to touch either of them.
They remain, for the foreseeable future, trapped in Monster Morgue. – Albert Jack
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