More and more people are now choosing to sleep on the streets in Pattaya, roaming the city day and night in search of money and food.
Some former bar-girls, who once paraded the red light district, have been lucky enough to have discovered abandoned tents, which they have now pitched in their empty bars to sleep in at night.
The lack of foreign tourists in Pattaya, a city that was named one of the top 20 most visited cities in the world back in 2019 with 10 million foreign tourists, has led to the closure of all tourism-dependent businesses.
Most people have lost their jobs, their livelihoods, vehicles and even homes. Now their savings have gone too.
Some women who worked in the bars and nightclubs have returned to their homes in rural provinces, but others have stayed in Pattaya, hoping to ride out the Lockdown and be ready to welcome tourists back with open arms, as soon as that happens…. if that happens.
But, as the days turned into weeks, weeks into months and now possibly years, that is looking increasingly unlikely for the foreseeable future.
Incredible really, for a mild virus with a 99.6% survival rate. Most people don’t even know they have it, so mild are the symptoms.
Some people point to a recent UK government admission that 98 percent of positive tests could have been a false positive, so inaccurate are the COVID-19 tests.
So they didn’t know they had it and, in fact, they probably DIDN’T have it. But a word has been invented to cover that.
Asymptomatic means that you look and feel perfectly healthy but that a test with a 98% chance of being wrong tells us that you have a virus with a 99.6% survival rate but you must LOCKDOWN, ISOLATE and wear a FACE NAPPY or you are a granny-killer and society will treat you exactly how you deserve to be.
That’s right – in Thailand you can suffer no symptoms at all, feel like a million dollars, be given a false positive COVID-19 test result, at one of the many random testing checkpoints that are popping up, then be forced into hospital or quarantine, or worse, at great expense and held in isolation for at least two weeks – by law.
After that you have a hefty bill to pay and, quite possibly, never had COVID at all. In the end you may never know that you DID NOT have COVID in the first place and this is nothing short of sinister.
The only good news is that the COVID scam has revealed governments of the world to be entirely ill-equipped to deal with a national panic. Only too willing, instead, to perpetuate one.
The newspaper barons are dictating Lockdown policy, don’t you know….
Once this is all over, and the people of the world have finally seen how their elected leaders panicked and ruined the lives of millions there will surely be changes. Won’t there..? Will there..?
Probably not. The evidence shows that the vast majority of people (of all countries) have been so terrified by their governments that they STILL believe COVID is going to kill them if the person 100 meters away is not wearing a face-nappy. (continues below)
The Jack Report: How Lockdown has ENDED your freedom for ever
This is the end result of a quite deliberate dumbing-down of the education systems in most western countries that is part of ‘the long march through the institutions.’ (look it up if you are interested and you will see what I mean by ‘quite deliberate.’)
The end result, though, is that most people who have suffered western schooling since the mid-1990s (anybody under the age of about 40-42) has only been taught what to think and not how to think.
And this is why they are all still cowering under their beds demanding Lockdown continue forever… Ok, well not all of them but more than half are – which is the problem.
Because they have been deliberately programmed to believe everything their government and media organisations tell them to believe, without questioning it or thinking for themselves.
Worse than that, they have been hard-wired to treat anybody who does question anything as the enemy. Not just an alternative view that is worth, at least, a curious look into but THE ENEMY that must be destroyed.
Something like Communism.
Governments have no choice but to double down. They have to. Can you imagine, for a moment, say Boris Johnson of the UK coming out and saying ‘Ahh, sorry about that. It’s not so dangerous after all, we got it wrong. You can all come out from under the stairs now.’
Of course not. It will never happen. Instead, people like myself will continue to be ignored, abused and treated with suspicion. Worse still, treated like the ENEMY.
And your glorious governments will go on and on for years telling you how they are saving the world and if it wasn’t for their LOCKDOWN and CURFEW measures more of you would be dead.
Bla Bla Bla…
Back in Pattaya and things are getting worse as the owner of the bar where the girls are sleeping in tents now says she may have to close down completely and evict them.
But they are the lucky ones. They can re-locate to a palm tree on the beach somewhere. Most of their fellow bar workers do not have tents.
And all around the city little makeshift communities are growing. Shelters built from old pallets, builder’s tarpaulins and discarded (or stolen) tin sheets to keep the rain off.
You cannot see these small communes from the roads as they are hidden away from the roaming watch of the COVID cops. They are tucked away deep onto the land of a (presumably) friendly owner.
Nobody wants a false positive test result. Nobody wants to be carted off into quarantine, so those who can are laying low and staying off the radar.

And the shacks are not only appearing in Pattaya. All across the country people are returning to their home villages without a baht in their pocket and makeshift huts or homes are popping up in secluded, out of sight places.
‘You said you would come back from Pattaya rich and retired. Instead you come back with nothing. Go and live over there, way over there in the far corner of grandfather’s field, behind the trees.’
In South Africa we called these places Shanty Towns and later on they became Townships. Very soon there were tens of millions of people living in tin huts on Soweto and Khayelitsha.
Is this where your inexperience and incompetence is leading Thailand, General?
Do you even know that this is where your pointless face mask and Lockdown policies and those ludicrous, repeated alcohol bans have taken the people of Thailand.
You must know that we know shutting down a shopping mall at 11pm and shutting it down at 8pm makes no difference at all.
You know we know this, right?
Surely even the most uneducated of person has managed to work out that having a beer with your supper and having a beer ban will make no difference at all to the spread of a minor flu or any other of the annual viruses.
But you keep banning it, putting the lives of regular drinkers at serious risk.
As you have put the lives and livelihoods of millions of Thai people at grave risk over the last twelve-months, the consequence of which we have not even begun to fully realise yet.
But, we will in time. Just take another look at Pattaya for a glimpse into the future of Thailand. – Albert Jack